Danby 10.1 cu. ft. Apartment Size Refrigerator




Apartment size 10.1 cu. ft. fridge with freezer capacity: Perfect for apartments , offices , and small space living. Frost Free Operation: Enjoy maintenance free use, this unit automatically defrosts in order to prevent ice build up. Ample Storage: 2.5 adjustable glass shelves with 5 door shelves, including tall bottle storage. Ample Storage: 2.5 adjustable glass shelves with 5 door shelves, including tall bottle storage. Seamless Fit: Reversible Door for left and right swing. Handle-free opening with hidden hinge. Smart Design : Modern, smudge free, crisp white. Controlled Airflow: Specially designed interior provides the ultimate in controlled air flow without loss of space or storage capacity. Better airflow means longer shelf life for all your groceries. Controlled Airflow: Specially designed interior provides the ultimate in controlled air flow without loss of space or storage capacity. Better airflow means longer shelf life for all your groceries

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